(we are all Founders & CEOs)

Marketing manager
(the adventurer)
He hates the chaos of the city; if he could, he would live in the middle of the mountains. With two stones and some damp wood, he can prepare meals worthy of a five-star restaurant. Leonardo is not a nature lover in the traditional sense, he is more fond of breaks from Wi-Fi and evenings under the stars. In his spare time he does marketing; if it sucks, take it up with him.
( the mechanic)
He would spend his whole life under cars. From the roar of a V8 to the curves of a sports car, he could talk about that for hours. His greatest gift is to recognize a car by the sound of the engine from a mile away. He also occasionally thinks about managing the company's finances-if we go bankrupt, it's his fault.

Content Creator
(the computer scientist)
He spends his days in a dark room in front of the computer. His best friend is the camera, and with a phone and a tripod he becomes better than Christopher Nolan. When he edits videos he isolates himself from the rest of the world and you must not touch him, or else there is trouble. If the content is awful, blame him.