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Frequent questions
Other customers have already asked us
Which payment methods are accepted?You can search for a product on our site by browsing the catalogue. The catalogue is divided into categories for each of which you will be offered a list of the relevant products. Selecting one of the products will display a detailed product sheet containing one or more zoomable images, price, description, technical information on features, colours and available quantities.
How do I add a product to my shopping cart?From the product page, choose the quantity and click on the 'Add to Cart' button.
Which payment methods are accepted?On our site you can choose to pay with different payment methods. You can choose the one that suits you best, from: Paypal account and/or Credit Cards via the PayPal circuit (cards accepted: Visa, American Express, Maestro, Discover, Carta Aura, Mastercard
Is it safe to use a credit card on your site?Buying by credit card on our site is safe because your card details are handled exclusively by the PayPal circuit, among the payment systems recognised as the safest currently available on the market.
Why was my credit card declined?Your card may be declined mainly for the following reasons - the data required for payment do not match your card details; - you have not activated your security code (some credit cards require an additional security code, provided by the bank, to be entered to confirm payment); - your card limit has been exceeded; - you may have exceeded your credit limit on the period or your card may have expired; if you imagine that there are other problems, we advise you to contact your card provider.
Where can I check the status of my order?Access your personal area using the username (mail) and password selected during registration.
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